

Progresses in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Performances and Application Examples in Industry

演講課題:Progresses in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Performances and Application Examples in Industry

演講人:Keming Du


Laser processing with ps-lasers is generally known for very low thermal influence, precise energy processing and the possibility to ablate every type of material independent on hardness and vaporisation temperature. The use of ultra-short pulse lasers offers new possibilities in the manufacturing of high-end products with extra high processing qualities. By a variety of materials, the processing results, especially the quality and processing efficiency can further be improved by using lasers with pulse length in fs region. So far, we have accomplished the micromachining of small parts like components in display, printing, electronics and semiconductor. There is huge potential to scale the precision processing to macro parts. There is huge potential to scale the precision processing to macro parts. One major key for success is the investigation and understanding of interaction between material and ultra-short laser pulses. This is the basis for finding processing strategy. It is obligatory to monitor and control the process. Other major challenges are: scaling the power of ultra-short pulse, beam engineering; improving performances of optical components under high power/energy load; developing technology for delivering and handling of high power/energy beams. For transferring micro precision to macro parts there is no generally applicable solution. Instead, solutions will be tailored and application specific. In this talk we will present and discuss - Basic understanding of interaction between material and ultra-short pulses - Specific aspects of ultra-short pulse lasers - Examples of applications and system solutions

Keming Du

General Manager

Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Phys. Keming Du has been working with the development of laser technology since 1985 beginning with high power CO2 lasers, through diode lasers and to diode pumped solid state lasers. From 1985 to 2001 he worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, as the project manager, group leader and department head of high power lasers. In 2001 he founded the EdgeWave GmbH, which offers innovative solutions in the field compact diode pumped solid state lasers for different applications. He is Fellow of ELI, AKL and IAPLE. In 2013 he was nominated as Senat of BWA Germany. He is the winner of the 1st prize of the "Innovation award laser technology 2010” granted by AKL (Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V.) and ELI (European Laser Institute) in May 2010. In Mai 2012 his project team “Pikoflat” group won the 1st prize of the "Innovation award laser technology 2012" granted by AKL and ELI. Based on InnoSlab laser and amplifier his project team received the Stifterverband’s Science Award 2012 and the 2. Leibinger price 2012, for the pioneering and excellent work in the field of short and ultra-short pulse lasers based on InnoSlab laser and InnoSlab amplifier. He is the winner of Arthur L. Schawlow Award 2015 from Laser Institute of America.


